Role Of Un Peace Treaty Agreement

Role Of Un Peace Treaty Agreement

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6 (5)) that a committee of signatories be set up to take account of the views of the local authorities consulted on the agreement, to participate in the drafting of legislation and to ensure the proper application of the agreement. The agreement also notes that it was endorsed by the partners of the previous peace agreement; Agreement on the Identity and Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 31 March 1995, Guat.-URNG, UN Doc. A/49/882-S/1995/256, 36ILM 285 (1997), available from . A peace treaty is often not used to end a civil war, especially in the event of secession failure, as it involves mutual recognition of the state. In cases like the American Civil War, it normally stops when the military capitulates to the losing side and its government collapses. In contrast, a successful secession or declaration of independence is often formalized by a peace treaty. 55 In addition, the economic provisions solve the problem of spoilers. While it is important to be as inclusive as possible and to create a broad base for peace, some elements of each party are omitted [47]. By incorporating economic provisions into peace agreements, the parties understand how and by whom exactly the economy is controlled. Failure to resort to the management of the post-conflict economy can leave tangible economic opportunities beyond the control of the parties. In this vacuum, spoilers establish control of economic opportunities and become influential.